The Secret to Losing Belly Fat |
Staying on a diet is hard work. It takes a lot of planning, preparation and ENTHUSIASM! Trying to Lose belly fat which seems to come with diabetes is always hindered by the mistakes made in how we try to lose the fat.
There is a lot of slipping and sliding involved in maintaining healthy eating habits that will promote good blood sugar control. The same habits of eating that we have developed over the years, get us to where we are now, and because they are hard to break, they keep us there.
Good Eating habits along with Blood glucose readings that should be taken as often as our health care giver prescribes are part of the plan for diet control of diabetes. . If you are taking Insulin this can be very important. I was listening to a TV programs yesterday and one of the points made was that there is a huge gap between what care givers prescribe and what insulin users end up doing. It seems that users don't always follow instructions, resulting in poor blood glucose control. I wouldn't be surprised if there is the same neglect when it comes to following caregiver directions for nutrition and meal planning.
Look around and find a program you can really live with.
Enroll friends!..Joella found a new book on diabetic nutrition and has several friends sitting around the club house pool reading it with her.
If only she can convert this new knowledge into action!!! Dinty Moore beef stew (even with added water) isn't on any diabetic diet I've ever seen even though it was on one of Jo's lists of what she had for lunch!
Good nutrition is actually just applying common sense to what you need to eat to be healthy or become healthy. The information is there. Use it.
Here is a link to a common sense program that has some of the best information I have ever seen to help you lose weight and integrate enough exercise into your routine to help you not only Feel Better but Look Better at the same time. Skinny Belly!