Day Lillies

Day Lillies
This site does not give medical advise. Consult your physican if you have a medical problem. This is a conversation among people who are finding a new direction in eating and living.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Jo Isn't Winning her fight with Diabetes 2

Talked to Jo about a week ago.  Said she took her "sugar" and it was  100 just after she got up that morning.  Also said she was down to 168 pounds.

Bad news.  Another sister went to see her three days ago,  They did some grocery shopping at Publix which is near the house.  I'm mentioning Publix because their stores all have these scales where you can weigh yourself. 

Well Jo's 168 is acutally 184....a big difference for someone only 5ft 5 inches tall.

I have some pictures that were sent via iPhone...she doesn't look like she has lost any weight, actually looks heavier.  

She is beginning to develop circulation problems in her feet and legs...and complaining that her glasses don't work right anymore.  Guess that is what happens when you only use oral medication and insulin to work at controlling your diabetes instead of combining it with exercise, a good meal plan and scheduled meal times to control your sugar.

Diet and Exercise should always be your first line of defense.  The drugs and insulin help to bring control, but eventually without making an effort to change eating habits the drugs can't do their job.
