Day Lillies

Day Lillies
This site does not give medical advise. Consult your physican if you have a medical problem. This is a conversation among people who are finding a new direction in eating and living.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Fight Diabetes2 and Win isn't on Joella's Menu

Update, Made on another site.  Shared here to explain what is going on with Joella and her Fight with Diabetes 2.

Joella Update November, 2012

The last time I updated was in 2011.

Unfortunately things with Joella have not improved.

She did diet and exercise enough to lose down to 161 pounds in February of 2012.

However, as of October, 2012 when our other sister went to visit her, she was back up in
weight to 184 pounds, even though she was telling me on the phone that her weight
was 168.

She has now either disconnected her telephone or has a different number.  I am no
longer able to talk to her unless she calls.  

It is disheartening to think about what is going to happen to her.

As far as I know she is still taking Insulin and two oral medications to try to control her
blood sugar and therefore manage the diabetes.

It will work for awhile, but if you don't eat a reasonable diet and exercise there comes
a point where the drugs can no longer be depended on for sugar (glucose) level control.

Elevated (high) glucose readings are the indication that the body is not able to process
the extra sugar and remove it from the blood stream.

1. Nerve damage...eyes, rest of body especially arms and legs.
2, Lack of sensitivity to injuries allow injuries to not be noticed and  treated.  
3. Circulation:  blood vessels that supply all the cells and organs become etched and plaque begins to build                                              
4. Poor circulation and nerve damage combine and result in:
5. Tingling feet and swelling....easy for sores to develop and not healing.
6. Heart attack and Strokes ...the final answer to untreated diabetes, most start because of 1 and 2 listed

The last time I talked to Joella in October she said her glasses weren't working as well.
She said she  might go get new ones.    She got new ones in early 2012 when she had lost weight  and her sugar readings were lower.....the glasses were not as strong as the old ones she replaced.  So here dieting and exercising in order to get her foot sore healed paid off with better vision.

Now with the weight gain, it sounds like the improvement is gone.
Another complaint....she said, "my feet and legs are tingling again and keeping me awake at night."  Her solution before was to drink milk every hour or so, all night long because it seemed to stop it.

Guess we can assume this is her same solution to the problem.
Until I manage to go see her, this is the last update I can do.  No information.

There is information about Diabetes, it sysmptoms, diets and articles with helpful suggestions available at:

This site has videos, articles dealing with what diabetes is and some suggestions and tips for managing diabetes.   This site: Cararta is more Joella's personal journey with diabetes for the past few years.
Sometimes funny, sometimes sad.   You are welcome to visit
Sugar Control Diet and read.   You may find something helpful that will change your direction if you are trying to lose weight or control type 2 diabetes.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Counter Top Pizza Oven

This is a Find!
Great for using at home, in your RV or the Dorm!  Easy clean surface....Besides doing Pizza, can cook things like cookies, fish sticks, biscuits, even cheese toast.  Bet it would even roast peanuts!

You can check it out here at Counter Top Pizza Oven  After you watch the Video!

Go Here to Check it out, was on sale last time I looked!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Eat Celery with Peanut Butter Filling to Lose Weight

Eating Celery filled with Peanut Butter and lots of Cabbage has helped Joella lose five pounds.  Only problem I see is this isn't a diet you are likely to stick with!.

Talked to her two days later and they were having Pork Chops, rice and gravy for dinner.  Didn't even bother to ask where the celery and cabbage went!

See sawing, up and down with weight is probably worse on your body than just eating sensibly and not gaining if you can't lose weight. 

Joella has a problem, she will diet heavy duty for a week, then go on a binge of eating and most times  she gains back what she lost plus a pound or two. 

It seems she has a problem with her bathing suits now....the bottoms are several sizes smaller that what she needs.  I'm beginning to believe that dieting and weight loss is as much a MENTAL problem as it is a body problem.  Joella commented on someone who shops all the time and said, "they love to spend money!"

I replied, "I guess it is like you.  You are addicted to eating and FOOD."

She was quiet for a moment then said, "I do love to EAT!  I guess if I'm going to lose weight I've got to do better at buying what I am supposed to eat instead of Pork Chops, Rice and Gravy!"

I said, that  sounds good to me, but right now I have to go and feed my dogs and cats.  
Will check with Joella in a day or two and see how her "new" grocery shopping went.  

Making up your mind and putting a plan of action in place and Following it works with everything, not just Dieting!

For some tips on what to eat to lose weight go and visit Sugar Control Diet.  


Curb Cravings With Green Tea: Helps The Body Burn Fat by Diana Walker

Green tea has a long history of healthful benefits and its qualities are significantly more effective than black tea. Both teas come from the carnellia sinensis plant but green tea leaves are steamed rather than fermented like black and oolong teas. This prevents a powerful anti-oxidant, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), from being oxidized and therefore diminished.

Antioxidant Properties

Most of us have heard of the positive effects red wine can have on a fatty diet and its healthful benefits on heart disease. High amounts of catechins polyphenols, particularly EGCG, are present in green tea. And EGCG has twice as much resveratrol as red wine, making it a powerful weapon towards lowering cholesterol, inhibiting blood clots and negating the effects of a fatty diet.

EGCG is also used to treat diabetes and is reported to have glucose-lowering effects. In addition glucose can cause a person to feel hunger and by controlling insulin levels, you control appetite. Try drinking a mug of green tea at the first hunger pain and you are well on your way to managing your appetite.


Thermogenesis literally means heat generation. Green tea increases thermogenesis in the body, becoming a potent appetite suppressant and increasing fat oxidation, helping the body to use fat as an energy source. This means the body is preferentially burning fat over protein.

Green tea also raises the body’s metabolism, increasing the rate at which calories are burned. In a recent study, the combination of green tea and caffeine burned more calories than those given a placebo.

Add to its thermogenesis benefits, green tea also has energy-boosting properties, which makes it a perfect breakfast tea or mid-afternoon pick me up.

Other Healthful Benefits

There are many other conditions in which green tea is reputed to be helpful:

Killing cancer cells, while leaving healthy cells untouched
Treating Rheumatoid arthritis
Lowering LDL cholesterol
Preventing thrombosis which causes heart attacks and strokes
Addressing cardiovascular disease by inhibiting abnormal formation of blood clots
Preventing infection
Improving impaired immune function
Stopping certain neurodegenerative diseases (such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s)
Treating multiple sclerosis
Preventing tooth decay by killing the bacteria that causes dental plaque

When you compare the heath benefits of green tea with the harmful effects of regular and diet soda, coffee and other damaging drinks, it is easy to see why green tea has a long and successful history of benefiting the drinker.

Adding Green Tea to Your Diet

Green tea has become so popular that it can be found in mainstream grocery stores as well as gas stations and convenience stores. There are many flavors and varieties of green teas so you will be sure to find a combination of flavors you’ll enjoy.

Consider also adding green tea water to some cooked foods. Adding tea to a pot of boiling pasta will affect the flavor in a fresh new way. Toss that same pasta with pine nuts, pesto and a dash of olive oil and you have a healthful dish with many antioxidant properties. Challenge yourself to find new and exciting ways to add green tea to your diet.

Click here for more information