Day Lillies

Day Lillies
This site does not give medical advise. Consult your physican if you have a medical problem. This is a conversation among people who are finding a new direction in eating and living.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Yesterday Joella started her day off with Oatmeal and  a "little" cream, two cups  of coffee and a "few grapes".

For lunch she enjoyed some Campbell's Broccoli cheese soup made with 1/2  cup cream and 1/2 cup water, two saltine crackers and two blocks of cheddar cheese each about the size of her finger.

Dinner gets interesting:  2 slices of fried Spam, 1 fried egg, 1 slice of fried toast and for dessert a cup of red seedless grapes.  Didn't eat dinner until after 9 p.m.

Drank some 2% milk in the middle of the night.
Since she is on a 1200 a day calorie diet that includes three meals and two snacks per day at scheduled intervals (and should include fresh raw vegetables) it is easy to see why her fasting blood sugar was
288 this morming.   She says she will do better tomorrow with sugar her reading.  Plans to ride exercycle and watch what she eats for the rest of today.