Day Lillies

Day Lillies
This site does not give medical advise. Consult your physican if you have a medical problem. This is a conversation among people who are finding a new direction in eating and living.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Update for Monday....SUGAR MADE IT DOWN TO 168

Joella reports that on Sunday she had oatmeal with stevia and 2% milk instead of cream for her breakfast.  Didn't eat lunch or a snack.  Had two pieces of fried fish and some coleslaw and one hushpuppy for dinner and a bedtime snack of cheddar cheese and milk.   
Haven't been able to reach her today for an update,  but we did talk about meal planning and the importance of eating on a regular schedule in small amounts to keep the sugar level and avoid getting hungry and overeating.   Plus scheduled eating helps keep metabolism working which in turn helps to use up calories instead of storing them.